Most horse breeders are extremely concern about the impact of parasites on the healthiness of their animals. Although parasite control using systemic anthelmintics is very secure, drug resistance has been reportedworldwide (Canever et al. 2013; Peregrine et al. 2014). This study aimed to determine the development of Thoroughbred foals related to sex, month and year of birth and parasite faecal egg counts (EPG). Data of five generations (20082012)was handled from a horse farm located in the city of Sao Jose dos Pinhais, South of Brazil. The animals were from birth to 18 months old (n1⁄4119 foals: 60 males and 59 females). The farm technical teamprovidedmonthly data on height andweight of the individuals. The body weight was measured with a mechanical scale and the withers height was measured using a depth measuring tape. For the individual animal EPG records, reports from 2009 to 2012 were used. EPG was performed using a modifiedMcMaster technique (x25). During all the evaluationperiods it was observed that females were taller (p1⁄40.0065) and heavier (p1⁄40.0091) than males at birth. Males born in November were lighter than the other animals born in othermonths (p1⁄40,0002) at the age of sixmonths. At the age of 12months, females born in July and August were significantly heavier than females born in the othermonths, and those born inNovemberwere lighter compared to the others (p1⁄40.03). EPGwas divided in six categories: from0 to 25, 50 to 100, 125 to 225, 250 to 350, 375 to 500, 525 to 800 and above 800, and the average frequency was 21, 11, 10, 11, 8, 13 and 26%, respectively for all years. Therewas no correlation of EPG and the other variables, indicating that the presence of high or low EPGs did not interfere with body development. This was possible because of the excellent farming system, which included balanced concentrate food and a high quality alfalfa and pasture. Thus, if EPG values had no influence evidencing anybody development impediment in young horses, we suggest that other phenotypic and/or genotypic diagnostic shall be developed for parasite monitoring when animals are raised in ideal conditions.