The development of the geoelectric effect has been followed in Zea coleoptiles with a flowing solution electrode system, and its dependence upon auxin concentration gradients and aerobic metabolism assessed. A symmetrical source of IAA can effectively replace the coleoptile tip in allowing the geo electric potential to occur. The diffusate from coleoptile tips, when applied asymmetrically to the apex of a vertical decapitated coleoptile, generates a potential difference across the coleoptile indistinguishable from that induced by the asymmetrical application of IAA. Asymmetrical application of IAA to vertical Avena and Zea coleoptiles and Helianthus hypocotyls induces closely similar responses. Neither the geoelectric effect nor a geotropic response develops when intact Zea coleoptiles are placed horizontally after being deprived of oxygen, but they both occur when an aerobic atmosphere is restored. The lateral potential difference induced by the asymmetrical applica tion of IAA to the apex of a vertical coleoptile does not occur under anoxic conditions. With a static-drop electrode system and a decapitated Zea coleoptile, a potential difference develops immediately after reorientation of the coleoptile into the horizontal position, and attains a maximum value after about 10 min. This potential difference can be further increased by the asymmetrical application of IAA to the lower half of the apical cut surface of the coleoptile. Our data support the view that both the geoelectric potential and the geotropic response are due to the IAA concentration gradient which arises from the lateral transport of this substance from the upper to the lower half of the horizontal shoot. They also bear out our previous conclusions that the 'geoelectric potential' observed with static-drop electrodes and an intact shoot, is the resultant of two processes. The first is a physical phenomenon arising in the electrodes, or between the electrodes and the plant tissue, and the second arises in the living tissues of the shoot as the result of gravity-induced changes in auxin distribution.
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