A new photoelectric system with a cascade photoconverter (PhC) based on tunnel structures of a homogenous semiconductor of the n +-p-p +(t)n +-p-p +(t)n +-p-p + type with a quantum-mechanical tunneling effect for charge carriers at the p +(t)n + junction and with a radiation concentrator is presented and investigated. The problem on determining the optimal parameters of the structure and limit efficiency of an idealized cascade photoconverter is solved by neglecting the recombination of charge carriers in the thin photoactive layers. The optimal width of cascade photoconverting elements under different radiation spectra can be written via the distribution of the integral flux of the radiation quanta over a distance from an illuminated surface of the semiconductor structure. It is revealed that under light concentration the cascade photoconverters are preferable with respect to ordinary planar photoconverters, since their internal power losses are lower. The limit theoretical and real efficiencies of the examined systems as a function of radiation intensity and of the number of photoconverters in the cascade are determined.