Analogous to the holomorphic discrete series ofSl(2,R)Sl(2,\mathbb R)there is a continuous family{πr}\{\pi _r\},−1>r>∞-1>r>\infty, of irreducible unitary representations ofGG, the simply-connected covering group ofSl(2,R)Sl(2,\mathbb R). A construction of this series is given in this paper using classical function theory. For allrrthe Hilbert space isL2((0,∞))L_2((0,\infty )). First of all one exhibits a representation,DrD_r, ofg=LieG\mathfrak g=Lie\,Gby second order differential operators onC∞((0,∞))C^\infty ((0,\infty )). Forx∈(0,∞)x\in (0,\infty ),−1>r>∞-1>r>\inftyandn∈Z+n\in \mathbb Z_+letφn(r)(x)=e−xxr2Ln(r)(2x)\varphi _n^{(r)}(x)= e^{-x}x^{\frac {r}{2}}L_n^{(r)}(2x)whereLn(r)(x)L_n^{(r)}(x)is the Laguerre polynomial with parameters{n,r}\{n,r\}. LetHrHC\mathcal H_r^{HC}be the span ofφn(r)\varphi _n^{(r)}forn∈Z+n\in \mathbb Z_+. Next one shows, using a famous result of E. Nelson, thatDr|HrHCD_r|{\mathcal H}_r^{HC}exponentiates to the unitary representationπr\pi _rofGG. The power of Nelson’s theorem is exhibited here by the fact that if0>r>10>r>1, one hasDr=D−rD_r=D_{-r}, whereasπr\pi _ris inequivalent toπ−r\pi _{-r}. Forr=12r=\frac 12, the elements in the pair{π12,π−12}\{\pi _{\frac {1}{2}},\pi _{-\frac {1}{2}}\}are the two components of the metaplectic representation. Using a result of G.H. Hardy one shows that the Hankel transform is given byπr(a)\pi _r(a)wherea∈Ga\in Ginduces the non-trivial element of a Weyl group. As a consequence, continuity properties and enlarged domains of definition, of the Hankel transform follow from standard facts in representation theory. Also, ifJrJ_ris the classical Bessel function, then for anyy∈(0,∞)y\in (0,\infty ), the functionJr,y(x)=Jr(2xy)J_{r,y}(x)=J_r(2\sqrt {xy})is a Whittaker vector. Other weight vectors are given and the highest weight vector is given by a limiting behavior at00.
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