We estimated seroincidence of HIV, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV), and the prevalence of risk behaviors among injection drug users (IDUs) who accepted inpatient detoxification by 14-day methadone tapering treatment in the Shanghai Drug Abuse Treatment Center. We also evaluated the effect of an HIV/AIDS prevention education intervention on those IDUs. Data including demographic characteristics, HIV, HBV and HCV seroincidence, sexual and injection-related risk behaviors were collected from 101 IDUs. All subjects received HIV/AIDS prevention education during inpatient detoxification treatment. An HIV-knowledge questionnaire was used to evaluate the effects of this intervention. We found that risk behaviors, including unsafe sex and unclean injection practices, were common among the subjects. The seroincidence of HBV and HCV infection rates was 56.4% and 46.5%, respectively, but no HIV-infected case was found among the subjects. After participating in the HIV/AIDS prevention intervention, subjects' scores (M+/-SD) on the HIV-knowledge questionnaire were significantly improved from baseline (97.29+/-7.42 vs. 31.1+/-12.1). Our study confirmed that IDUs in Shanghai are a high-risk population for blood borne diseases such as hepatitis B and hepatitis C and HIV. HIV/AIDS prevention education increased HIV knowledge, improved understanding of HIV prevention methods and changed attitudes toward HIV/AIDS. Therefore, HIV/AIDS prevention education should to be an important component of drug treatment.
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