This study was conducted to determine the growth performance and correlation matrix ofSavanna Brown goats fed enzyme treated sawdust diets managed intensively. A total of thirty(30) goats weighting between 5.2 and 5.3 kg were arranged in a completely randomizeddesign. The animals were divided into five dietary Treatments (T) groups with threereplications. Treatment one (1) comprises of animals fed 0 % enzyme treated sawdust whileTreatment 2 (T2), Treatment 3 (T3), Treatment 4 (T4) and Treatment 5 (T5) comprises ofanimals fed 10, 20, 30 and 40 % enzyme treated sawdust diets, respectively. Data on growthperformance parameters, body linear measurement (height at wither, body length, chestgirth, hind leg length, fore leg length, facial length) were measured. Growth performancedata were analyzed using one way analysis of variance. The results of growth performancereveled that animals fed 20 % and 40 % had significantly highest value, these trend wasobserved in total weight gain (T3 = 4900g and T5 = 4833g), average weight gain (T3 = 50gand T5 = 49.32g), total fed intake (T3 = 2956.20 and T5 = 2709.30g) and average feed intake(T3 = 211.16g and T5 = 193.52g). However, in feed conversion ration no significantdifference was observed across all the treatment groups as the value range between 3.87 inanimals fed 40 % to 7.12 in those fed 10 % enzyme treated sawdust diet. A positive andsignificant correlation was observed between body weight and chest girth with highestcorrelations in animals fed 20 % enzyme treated sawdust (0.97). It was therefore concludedthat enzyme treated sawdust can be used in the diets of Savanna Brown goats up to 40 %replacement for maize offal for optimum performance
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