We report ground-based measurements of the atmospheric electric field (Ez = −potential gradient (PG)) and current density (Jz) that were conducted at two locations in Israel. One is at the Emilio Segre cosmic ray station located on Mt. Hermon (34.45° N, 2020 m AMSL) in northern Israel near the Syrian-Lebanon border, and the other is at the Wise astronomical observatory in the Negev desert highland plateau of southern Israel (31.18° N, 870 m AMSL). We searched for possible effects of strong, short-term solar events on the potential gradient and the vertical current density, as disruptions to the global electric circuit are often observed following strong solar events. The first case study (St. Patrick’s Day, 17 March 2015) was classified as the strongest event of 2015. The second case study (8 September 2017) was categorized as the strongest event of 2017 and one of the twenty strongest events on record to date. The results show that the electrical parameters measured at ground level at both stations were not affected during the two massive proton events and the ensuing geomagnetic storms. The magnetospheric shielding in lower latitudes is strong enough to shield against the flux of energetic particles from solar events, obscuring any impact that may be noticeable above the local daily variations induced by local meteorological conditions (aerosol concentrations, clouds, high humidity, and wind speed), which were investigated as well.
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