The histochemical organization observed in sections of the temporal muscle of adult malerats was investigated by a succinicdehydrogenase staining (SDH) method. Three distinct muscle fibertypes were also distinguished in the temporal muscle. Significant differences in the average OI and SI values were found in different regions (from origin to insertion), and in different parts (the anteriortemporal, posterior temporal and deep temporal muscle). Moreover, differences were found in thepercentage distributions of OI and SI of different primary fasciculi in each of the temporal muscle. Ingeneral, the average OI and SI values were highest in the deep temporalis, intermediate in the anteriortemporalis and lowest in the posterior temporalis. In aging rats the three types of muscle fibers wereeasily identified, and differences in the average OI and SI values in different muscle parts were foundto be greater. In addition, primary fasciculi with high OI and SI values or those with low OI and SIvalues were more numerous than in young adult rats.
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