This paper looks at the application of flipped learning as a pedagogy for student learning and its blended approach to the delivery of the learning and teaching materials. This paper is based on research conducted on the delivery of a Postgraduate Business Research Methods Module. The research indicates a specific structure and sequencing is to be followed in delivering the teaching materials of the Module, providing students the opportunity to learn to higher levels, using quizzes to test knowledge and subject understanding, case studies, practical applications and student-initiated discussions. The structured synchronous online flipped learning approach, known as SOFLA, is of great importance for large modules and a big teaching team, not only to ensure consistency of delivery but also for the educational experience of mainly international students. In addition, compassion pedagogy needs to be considered to create inclusion and engagement. Mid-module feedback and end-term student voice questionnaire datasets are used in the analysis of effectiveness and student learning of the Business Research Methods Module. The conclusions drawn are an excellently designed and managed Module, giving the required learning focus, with the realisation by students that their use of learning materials and engagement is open to improvement. Recommendations are made to seek solutions to enhance student engagement in the preparation for the Module’s learning materials, achieving higher learning.
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