AbstractThe latest version of the SONIC code with the extended thermal force model that is capable to treat collisionality dependence of the force has been applied to the interpretative simulation of L‐mode discharge of JT‐60 U to investigate the impact of kinetic correction of the thermal force on the scrape‐off layer (SOL) plasma properties. As a first attempt, we have selected an L‐mode attached discharge #39090 (Ip = 1.6 MA, Bt = 3.1 T, and PNBI = 4.5 MW), where = 2.08 × 1019 m−3, = 0.392 with deuterium plasmas. It has been found that the peak values of SOL impurity density are reduced by a factor of 2, with the kinetic correction, because the thermal force is reduced by the low collisionality of SOL plasma between the X‐point and the (inner and outer) midplane. On the other hand, the profiles near the divertor plates are unaffected by the kinetic correction due to the highly collisional condition. The kinetic correction is found more pronounced for the higher charge states impurity due to the charge dependence of the parallel impurity force balance. Overall effects due to the kinetic correction on the total impurity radiation and the divertor heat load are confirmed to be a few % in the present discharge condition of JT‐60U.
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