The push-pull converter topology is suitable for unregulated low-voltage to high-voltage power conversion, as in battery-powered systems where input currents can exceed input voltages by an order of magnitude. The resonant circuit operates at twice the switching frequency allowing for small resonant components. The MOSFET primary switches operate under zero voltage switching (ZVS) conditions, due to commutation of the transformer magnetizing current and the snubbing effect of the inherent drain-source capacitance. Output rectifier turn-off is effectively snubbed by the resonant capacitor. An analytical study on ZVS LCL-resonant push—pull DC—DC converter is presented in detail. Closed loop controlled ZVS LCL-resonant push—pull DC—DC converter using PWM controller is implemented. Circuit simulation and experimental results of both open loop and closed loop operations are presented. The software package PSPICE A/D is used for simulation.
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