Entomophagy (insect eating) is an age long practice by man all over the world. The nutritive values of insects are affected by many factors including processing methods. Grasshopper is one of the edible insects in Nigeria. This study aimed at evaluating the effects of processing methods on the nutritive value of adult variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus. The grasshoppers were collected from an uncultivated farmland, washed, degutted and processed in three ways namely; boiling, roasting and frying. Processed Z. variegatus were analyzed for their proximate, minerals, vitamins and anti-nutrient profile. The data obtained were analyzed by One Way Analysis of variance and means separation was done by Duncan Multiple Range Test. The roasted grasshoppers were found to have the highest value of protein (41.54%) while the boiled insects recorded the least value (18.12%). The roasted also had the highest crude fibre (8.38%), while the raw had the least value (5.04%). The highest crude fat (37.11%) was found in the fried grasshoppers while the boiled had the least crude fat (1.59%). The fried grasshoppers recorded highest value of carbohydrate (3.43%). The roasted insects had the highest values in all the eleven minerals analyzed. Lead and Nickel were not detected in all the samples. Potassium was the highest across all processing methods, ranging from 88.01- 465.99 mg/100g while manganese was the least (0.44-1.46 mg/100g). Vitamins A, E, B2, B6 and B12 were also examined. The values for all these were highest in the roasted with 0.45, 0.48, 0.013, 0.99, and 2.63 respectively. The boiled grasshoppers had the least values in all the parameter examined except in Vitamin B6 where it had a higher value of 0.84) than the fried (0.79) and raw (0.67). Tannin was highest in the fried grasshopper (4.51) and the least in raw grasshoppers (1.29). It can therefore be concluded that processing methods significantly affected the nutritive value of Z. variegatus.
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