Dislocation structures and densities in experimentally deformed single crystals of San Carlos olivine were examined using the oxidation-decoration technique. The high-temperature deformation experiments were conducted at various temperatures ( T), differential stresses (σ), and oxygen fugacities ( ƒ o 2 ); the samples were buffered against either orthopyroxene (opx) or magnesiowustite (mw) solid-state powders and compressed along one of the three 45° orientations. In samples that were deformed and subsequently quenched under load, seven distinct dislocation structures were observed. (a) For samples compressed parallel to [110] c at 16 < σ < 50 MPa and ƒ o 2 = 10 −6 atm , two different dislocation arrangements were identified. For opx-buffered samples at 1400 < T < 1475° C, the dislocation structure was composed of curved screw segments that had usually cross-slipped and straight edge segments of comparable length. At 1300 < T < 1350° C for opx-buffered samples and at 1350 < T < 1500° C for mw-buffered samples, the dislocation structure is dominated by arrays of very long edge or mixed dislocations with only a few screw dislocations, (b) For both opx-buffered and mw-buffered samples compressed parallel to [101] c at 1340 < T < 1400° C and 30 < σ <60 MPa, the dislocation configurations are characterized by zigzag near-edge dislocations at ƒ o 2 = 10 −5 atm and by straight, cross-slipped screw dislocations plus pinned edge dislocations at ƒ o 2 = 10 −9 atm . (c) For samples compressed parallel to [011] c at T = 1400° C and 70 < σ < 150MPa, the primary dislocations change from long, straight edge dislocations (for ƒ o 2 = 10 −4 atm and opx buffer) to a combination of straight edge dislocations and polygon-shaped half loops (for ƒ o 2 = 10 −4 atm and mw buffer), to gently curved near-edge dislocations (for ƒ o 2 = 10 −9 atm for both solid-state buffers). Abundant long, straight screw dislocations were present in each case for the [011] c samples. All of the above variations in dislocation structure are paralleled by changes in the measured power-law equation that describes the behavior of creep mechanisms of olivine. Thus, the different dislocation structures are associated with different rate-controlling creep mechanisms. For all of the dislocation structures, the dislocation density (ρ) increases with differential stress according to the relation ρ ∞ σ 1.4. Dislocation structures in samples that were deformed and then statically annealed have also been studied. For both [110] c and [011] c samples deformed over a wide range of experimental conditions, the dislocation structures on the slip planes generally consist of short, curved edge or mixed dislocation segments. In [101] 1 samples deformed at low ƒ o 2 , 50 MPa and 1400°C, the dislocation structure was much less altered by annealing than the dislocation structures in [110] c and [011] c samples. The density of dislocations decreased much less for these [101] c samples than for the [110] c and [011] c samples. Due to climb of the edge segments, the straight screw segments found in quenched samples became curved and many low-angle (100) tilt boundaries, connected by straight [100] screw dislocations, developed during the annealing process.
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