Remote sensing is the process of gathering information about an environment from a distance (CRACKNELL & HAYES, 1991). This article focuses on the insight that has been gained, and might further arise, from observations of the land surface by satellite-borne sensors. The potential for application of remote sensing techniques to epidemiological problems has long been argued (CLINE, 1970) and the present status of such application reviewed (HAY et al., in press). It is not intended to precis these observations here, but to draw attention to what can be achieved with existing satellite sensor data. Some of the major advances in spatial, temporal and spectral resolution of the satellite-born sensors that will be launched into orbit by the millennium are also highlighted. The resulting opportunities for research and the management and control of tropical diseases are then discussed. This article complements that of OPENSHAW (1996), which was concerned with the role of geographic information systems (GIS) in the management and control of tropical diseases, since specific examples of the use of remotely sensed data in a GIS framework are presented. Existing satellite-borne sensors, for which data are available to the scientific research community, range from those in low altitude orbits with sensors that record high spatial resolution data but with an infrequent repeat time (the time it takes for a satellite sensor to record data from the same location on the Earth), to those in high altitude orbits with correspondingly low spatial resolutions but more frequent repeat times. The potential of these contrasting categories of sensors to provide information of use to epidemiology has been reviewed by HAY et al. (1996). This article presents recent examples of the application of high and low spatial resolution satellite sensor data to the control of malaria and trypanosomiasis, respectively. The distribution of Anopheles albimanus has been investigated using Landsat-Thematic Mapper (TM) data for the tropical wetlands of Chiapas, Mexico, where malaria is endemic (POPE et al., 1994). Landsat is a low orbit satellite whose TM sensor records data in 6 spectral channels at 30x30 m spatial resolution, and one at 120x120 m, with a repeat time of 16 d. Scenes from both the dry and wet season were acquired for the Chiapas area and subjected to an unsupervised classification which groups areas in the image by their spectral similarity; the resulting regions were assigned to land cover types determined from colour infrared aerial photographs and field inspection of 30 test sites. These sites were independently sampled to determine mosquito density and information was collected about environmental variables affecting water and vegetation characteristics. These data were then used to group the sites into 16 habitat types using cluster analysis, and correlations were investigated between the habitat types and land cover units. The land cover units were subsequently ranked as having high, medium or low mosquito production potential. Incorporating this information into a
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