Vapor-liquid equilibria measurements involving liquids with low volatility, such as many types of lubricants, ionic liquids, and various solvents are essential for process research and development in a wide variety of fields. State–of–the–art methods to measure these phase equilibria, e.g. thermogravimetric analysis or equilibrium cells, generally cannot be combined with instruments measuring thermophysical properties, e.g. density, transport properties, spectroscopic properties, etc. A novel approach was developed to measure simultaneously vapor–liquid equilibrium and thermophysical properties involving a single gas dissolved in one or more low-volatility liquids. The method is based upon a mass balance measuring liquid phase density, total masses in the system, and volumes. The governing equations of the novel approach are derived, and a detailed uncertainty analysis is presented. As an example, the solubility, density, and viscosity are measured with the new apparatus for a system of a non-volatile ionic liquid solvent saturated with the compressed hydrofluorocarbon gas, pentafluoroethane (R-125), at 25 °C and 75 °C and pressures to ∼ 3.1 MPa. The solubility data are validated by comparison to previously published literature data using a high precision gravimetric microbalance. The combination of vapor–liquid equilibria and thermophysical properties in a single experiment can significantly accelerate scientific and engineering studies.
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