A Bayesian network is a powerful tool for representing uncertainty in data, offering transparent and interpretable inference, unlike neural networks’ black-box mechanisms. To fully harness the potential of Bayesian networks, it is essential to learn the graph structure that appropriately represents variable interrelations within data. Score-based structure learning, which involves constructing collections of potentially optimal parent sets for each variable, is computationally intensive, especially when dealing with high-dimensional data in discrete random variables. Our proposed novel acceleration algorithm extracts high levels of parallelism, offering significant advantages even with reduced reusability of computational results. In addition, it employs an elastic data representation tailored for parallel computation, making it FPGA-friendly and optimizing module occupancy while ensuring uniform handling of diverse problem scenarios. Demonstrated on a Xilinx Alveo U50 FPGA, our implementation significantly outperforms optimal CPU algorithms and is several times faster than GPU implementations on an NVIDIA TITAN RTX. Furthermore, the results of performance modeling for the accelerator indicate that, for sufficiently large problem instances, it is weakly scalable, meaning that it effectively utilizes increased computational resources for parallelization. To our knowledge, this is the first study to propose a comprehensive methodology for accelerating score-based structure learning, blending algorithmic and architectural considerations.