The main objective of the work - to investigate the effect on the wear of high voltage electric motors of main pump units periodic switching on and off in cyclical pumping. Frequent starts motors in a cyclic pumping lead to accelerated wear of the mechanical parts of the motor due to the impact of dynamic loads at start-up, as well as winding insulation due to high inrush currents flow. As a result of accelerated depreciation may decrease residual life, overhaul period and service life of electric motors. The main factor affecting the service life of insulation motors are winding temperature, and as a consequence, the thermal aging of the insulation. The use of variable frequency drive can significantly reduce the cyclic transfer modes, or even eliminate them. The authors obtained analytical expressions for the evaluation of insulation deterioration at the start of the motor, which allow us to study the impact of the following factors: insulation class, the start time, break time at work, initial and nominal temperature, the temperature rise of the windings over the ambient temperature. The effect on the deterioration of the insulation cold start and hot conditions, as well as the percentage of the hottest start-ups in the total number of starts. Obtained expressions for the depreciation of isolation to determine the change timing of overhauls of high voltage electric main pump units. The developed method was approved by the example of the use of a variable frequency drive on the oil pumping stations construction section Leninsk-Nurlino trunk pipeline Nizhnevartovsk - Kurgan - Kuibyshev. The analysis showed that the installation of a variable frequency drive motors on three main pump units technological area of the number of starts to decline by 14%. The results can be used for pipeline transport of oil companies when planning the timing and costs of the current and capital repairs of high voltage electric motors main pump units.
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