Recent experimental work on AlGaAs p-i-n photodiodes [Dudley R A and Vickers A J 1995 Proc. Hot Carriers in Semiconductors IX (New York: Plenum)] has generated evidence that the transient photocurrent produced by high-intensity pulsed laser illumination is larger than expected for any given value of the bias. It has been postulated that this enhancement is due to the modification of the internal electric field by the photogenerated charge. A similar effect has been seen in calculations for metal-semiconductor-metal semiconductors [Dunn G M, Rees G J and David J P R 1997 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 12 692-7], but we present here details of the first calculation of the effect in a p-i-n diode. A drift-diffusion model is used to calculate photocurrent versus reverse bias for several values of illumination intensity, illustrating the enhancement effect. The origin of the enhancement is then highlighted and explained.