AbstractSAW oscillators can provide fundamental frequency operation to above 1·5 GHz, with stability and FM noise performance approaching that offered by bulk crystal oscillator technology. Their high fundamental frequency, small size and rugged construction gives SAW technology a unique capability at UHF and microwave frequencies.The low FM thermal noise floor associated with fundamental frequency operation can be combined with the stability and low close‐to‐carrier noise of multiplied bulk crystal oscillators by locking a high frequency SAW oscillator to a bulk crystal reference. SAW oscillator stability is compatible with conventional phase‐locked‐loop techniques and also with injection lock stabilization, and their own low close‐to‐carrier FM noise ensures that such locked sources exhibit minimum phase noise. Furthermore, locked oscillator phase noise is not significantly degraded when extreme operating conditions, such as those experienced in space applications, demand a reduced SAW device Q for reliable locking using either technique.Use of a PLL avoids any need for reference frequency multiplication, and provides additional design flexibility with respect to reference frequency selection and phase noise optimization. Injection locking offers design simplicity and uses fewer frequency control components, which can contribute additional noise in PLL sources.
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