In the absence of glucose intolerance, fasting blood sugar levels are significantly higher in nonobese women in succeeding age decades. This upward trend with age in fasting blood sugar levels is not evident in obesity but such women, compared to the nonobese group, already have higher fasting blood sugar levels when they are just in the third decade of life. With but minor exceptions, the serum growth hormone and the serum insulin responses to an oral carbohydrate load recorded in nonobese women without glucose intolerance are of the same order of magnitude irrespective of age. This is also true in obese women without glucose intolerance. Obesity in women is associated with serum growth hormone levels which during fasting are lower than those observed in nonobese women. In obesity the peak growth hormone levels and the sum of the growth hormone levels recorded during an oral glucose tolerance test are lower than those observed in females of normal weight. During the first two hours of a normal oral glucose tolerance test in obese women a true and absolute hyperinsulinemia is recorded, but this is then replaced by waning of serum insulin below levels characteristic of a nonobese control group.
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