Using the facilities of the KASCADE Central Detector extensive air showers (EAS) muon arrival time distributions, observed with reference to the arrival time of the first locally registered muon, and their correlations with other EAS observables have been experimentally investigated. The variation of adequately defined time parameters with the distance R μ from the EAS axis has been measured. The experimental data enable a study of the sensitivity of such local arrival time distributions, which characterise the structure of the shower disc, to the mass composition of cosmic rays in the energy region around the knee. For that purpose, non-parametric multivariate even-by-event analyses have been performed for an estimate of the mass composition specified by three different mass groups, invoking detailed Monte Carlo simulations of the EAS development. It turns out that local muon arrival time distributions, without information on the curvature of the shower disc, display a minor sensitivity to the mass of the EAS inducing particle, at least for distances from the shower axis R μ<100 m. The measurements comprise a subset of all EAS events registered by KASCADE due to the observation conditions of the arrival time distributions, with a threshold of the muon energy E th=2.4 GeV and a minimum multiplicity n th for being accepted in the observed data samples. This subset is sensitive to variations of the integral EAS muon energy spectrum. By studying the event acceptance in the registered samples on basis of Monte Carlo simulations a test of the consistency of the Monte Carlo simulations with the data is enabled, comparing the results inferred from observations at different R μ and different n th values. Within the present uncertainties the results of such a test show a remarkable agreement of the experimental findings with the Monte Carlo simulations, using the QGSJET model as generator of the high-energy hadronic interactions.
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