Abstract A silicon-based integrated orbital angular momentum (OAM) parity sorter using two-dimensional multimode interference (2D MMI) waveguides is designed and numerically analyzed. An OAM parity sorter, which sorts OAM modes according to their parity (even or odd) is an elegant device in broad range of OAM states processing applications including quantum gates, quantum key distribution, generation of high dimensional quantum gates, quantum information, and teleportation. The presented three-part integrated parity sorter is realized based on the self-imaging and field-splitting properties of MMI structures. It‘s total length is 11444 µm. The proposed device works for OAM modes with |l|≤5. The performance of OAM sorting is investigated with the results confirming the high purity (up to 98.33% and 94.45% at even and odd ports, respectively) for the telecommunication wavelength λ0=1550 nm.