In 2022, a series of human monkeypox cases in multiple countries led to the largest and most widespread outbreak outside the known endemic areas. Setup of proper genomic surveillance is of utmost importance to control such outbreaks. To this end, we performed Nanopore (PromethION P24) and Illumina (NextSeq. 2000) Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) of a monkeypox sample. Adaptive sampling was applied for in silico depletion of the human host genome, allowing for the enrichment of low abundance viral DNA without a priori knowledge of sample composition. Nanopore sequencing allowed for high viral genome coverage, tracking of sample composition during sequencing, strain determination, and preliminary assessment of mutational pattern. In addition to that, only Nanopore data allowed us to resolve the entire monkeypox virus genome, with respect to two structural variants belonging to the genes OPG015 and OPG208. These SVs in important host range genes seem stable throughout the outbreak and are frequently misassembled and/or misannotated due to the prevalence of short read sequencing or short read first assembly. Ideally, standalone standard Illumina sequencing should not be used for Monkeypox WGS and de novo assembly, since it will obfuscate the structure of the genome, which has an impact on the quality and completeness of the genomes deposited in public databases and thus possibly on the ability to evaluate the complete genetic reason for the host range change of monkeypox in the current pandemic.
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