It The giant squid in legends grabs sailors and clutches hapless ships; in real life it seldom comes to surface of sea. But visitors to Smithsonian Institution's Museum of Natural History can now view a 450pound preserved in 125 gallons of alcohol. Clyde F. E. Roper, Smithsonian zoologist who studies squid and its other cephalopod relatives octopi, cuttlefish and chambered Nautili says Smithsonian is the only U. S. museum with an actual specimen of giant squid on display. The particular giant squid that is on display was washed ashore on Plum Island off coast of Massachusetts in February 1980. It was first giant squid to be found stranded on a U.S. beach in 20 years. Tossed about by waves, squid's two long feeding tentacles and most of arm tips were broken off, and much of its maroon-colored skin was rubbed away. But otherwise still 12 feet long and with 10-inch-diameter eyes intact, is in very good shape, Roper says. Scientists surmise that this squid was half-grown at time of its death, only about 30 feet long. The largest giant squid are 60 feet, tip of tentacles to tip of tail. It took four men to carry squid off Plum Island beach on a stretcher. Then specimen was displayed at New England Aquarium in Boston before being moved to Smithsonian. After it is displayed in Washington for a year, Roper plans to dissect giant squid to learn more about its anatomy. We have a tremendous number of unanswered questions about giant he says. Roper estimates there are millions of giant squid in oceans, and number is probably increasing as population of whales, which eat giant squid, decreases. But they are seldom caught in fishing nets, so there are only about a hundred specimens or parts available to scientists. Most of these specimens were washed ashore, dying or dead. Others were picked up as they floated on ocean surface or were removed from stomachs of stranded sperm whales. Roper believes it unlikely that a giant squid will soon be captured alive or observed in its natural habitat, so those who study creatures must make do with rare remains. Our objective [in displaying specimen] is to try to show people that giant squid are real, Roper says. Biology is more interesting than fables. Although myths of monstrous animals are exaggerated, these animals truly are giants, he says. Adults are 60 times length and 1,000 times weight of commonplace squid, which are served Italian-style as calamari and Japanesestyle as ika (for example in a type of sushi). Roper reports from bitter experience that taste of giant squid is chiefly that of ammonia. Subsequent to that disappointment, he discovered buoyancy of heavy animal is due to high concentration of ammonium ions in its muscles. When Smithsonian's giant squid specimen goes off display, Roper plans to map digestive, circulatory and reproductive systems. haven't been worked out before, he says. He and colleagues also hope to learn what animal ate, its sex and state of maturity and whether it harbored any parasites. They plan to do dissection so that outer form of specimen remains intact, and it may continue to fill previous gap in Smithsonian's cephalopod collection. Meeting with reporters day before squid went on display, and day of President Reagan's State of Union address, Roper was asked to describe the state of squid. His squid assessment was far more positive than Reagan's national one. It's fabulous, a wonderful specimen, Roper replied. It's valuable both scientifically and for public. D E
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