Lack of understanding of the ideas of quantum physics leads to the fact that the very word "quantum" begins to be perceived as a synonym for something mysterious, incomprehensible, and even doubtful. The arising errors sometimes lead to inadequate media coverage of the development of quantum technologies, as the case with the ignorant reaction of the press in June 2016 to the statement of the Russian authorities about the prospects of quantum teleportation, which some media presented as teleportation from science fiction. Such misunderstandings can impede the formation of the necessary trust in quantum technologies on the part of the business community, politicians and the public. In part, the reason for this state of the art may be the insufficient attention of physicists themselves to the development of popular scientific and pedagogical discourse, which makes it possible to correctly introduce the ideas of quantum mechanics into the context of general culture. For decades, physicists have flaunted the kind of esotericism of quantum mechanics. Journalists love to quote the classics of quantum physics: “Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it” (Niels Bohr); “I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics” (Richard Feynman); “Quantum mechanics is absolutely meaningless” (Roger Penrose) [1]. Indeed, for many quantum-scale phenomena, no analogues have yet been found in the everyday world, and they are difficult to express in our everyday language. As a result, the introduction to quantum mechanics begins with a description of the mathematical formalism, which becomes an obstacle for the untrained listener and is not suitable for popularization. Moreover, such an approach creates problems for physicists themselves: many of them, studying the mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics and being convinced in practice of its effectiveness, do not ask the question of how the founders of this science were able to go in the opposite direction and, starting from experience, find the required formalism. As a result, important problematic and heuristic aspects of the development of science may drop off even professional physicists’ radar. In view of the above, an important task is to find effective explanatory techniques that allow one to talk about quantum phenomena without resorting to mathematical apparatus and without abuse of doubtful metaphors. This article attempts to find such an approach to explaining quantum cryptography. The choice in its favor is determined by the fact that it is one of the most mature quantum technologies of the second generation, which is already beginning to generate a demand for technical specialists to set up and maintain secure quantum communication lines. This activity requires a general understanding of the ideas of quantum mechanics underlying the technology, but at the same time, it does not require full knowledge of the mathematical apparatus that is used in research and development. In accordance with this, the task was set to outline the principle of quantum cryptography without resorting to such abstract concepts as the state space of a quantum system, its bases and the choice between them in quantum measurement. In a popular scientific sense, the advantage of quantum cryptography is a simplicity for understanding. Our experience shows that its main points can be explained to students in about half an hour without extraordinary mental effort. It is also enigmatical and fascinating, since, on the one hand, it is associated with spy codes, and on the other hand, it provides protection based on the laws of nature. Methodologically, the positive aspect of quantum cryptography is valuable. Many fundamental premises of quantum physics are negative: the impossibility of making any measurement without affecting the system, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the nocloning theorem. At the same time, quantum cryptography, on the contrary, allows an absolutely secure distribution of the encryption key.
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