This paper investigates time-varying output formation tracking problems for heterogeneous multiagent systems in an adversarial environment, where both leaders and followers are vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Despite the presence of adversarial agents, the normal followers not suffering from cyber-attacks seek to achieve a desired for-mation configuration and track a safe trajectory generated by normal leaders' outputs simultaneously. To this end, a resilient time-varying output formation (RTVOF) tracking scheme is presented in this work. Firstly, to counteract the effect of adversarial agents, a safety strategy is proposed for general linear heterogeneous systems, which is a syn-thesis of the mean-subsequence-reduced family algorithms and an attack detection procedure. Secondly, using the neighboring interaction, a resilient distributed observer and a local formation controller are designed for each normal follower to estimate the state and track the output of the safe formation reference. Then, it is proved that the hetero-geneous multiagent system with multiple dynamic leaders and time-varying topologies can accomplish the RTVOF tracking if specific graph-theoretic properties and forma-tion feasibility conditions are satisfied. Finally, simulation examples are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of obtained results.
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