Type I Collagen is a multifunctional fibrous protein present significantly in the connective tissues. Generally, fibril formation process of an interstitial collagen begins with a triple helix alignment to form a pentafibril, which sequentially self-assembles into a microfibril. Typically, this sequential formation can be achieved under an in vitro condition as well by maintaining certain specific physiological parameters to mimic the interstitial microenvironment of collagen. The necessity to study such a kinetically driven process is due to its implications in template fabrication particularly as a scaffold to enhance the growth of specific stem cells or accelerating nanoparticle synthesis. Drawing inspiration from this, theobromine, a methylxanthine that contributes towards the hydrogen bond network via dimerization and stacking interaction was used as a small molecule in modifying the molecular level interactions of a self-assembled collagen. Initially, rheological studies revealed certain variations in the viscous properties of collagen on addition of theobromine. Turbidity assay showed an increase in the rate of fibril formation and its topographical changes were observed through the high-resolution scanning electron microscope. The stability and probable physico-chemical interactions between collagen and theobromine were comprehended from the vibrational frequency changes recorded using (FT-IR) (ATR) and conformational changes using Circular Dichroism (CD) studies. Our results show possible multibinding sites on theobromine, which would compete to bind with the polar and non-polar residues exposed over the monomeric surfaces of triple helix causing a local conformational fluctuation modifying protein-protein interaction.