Rht5 was narrowed to an approximately 1Mb interval and had pleiotropic effects on plant height, spike length and grain size. TraesCS3B02G025600 was predicted as the possible candidate gene. Plant height is an important component related to plant architecture, lodging resistance, and yield performance. The utilization of dwarf genes has made great contributions to wheat breeding and production. In this study, two F2 populations derived from the crosses of Jinmai47 and Ningchun45 with Marfed M were employed to identify the genetic region of reduce plant height 5 (Rht5), and their derived lines were used to evaluate its effects on plant height and main agronomic traits. Rht5 was fine-mapped between markers Kasp-25 and Kasp-23, in approximately 1Mb region on chromosome 3BS, which harbored 17 high-confidence annotated genes based on the reference genome of Chinese Spring (IWGSC RefSeq v1.1). TraesCS3B02G025600 were predicted as the possible candidate gene based on its differential expression and sequence variation between dwarf and tall lines and parents. The results of phenotypic evaluation showed that Rht5 had pleiotropic effects on plant height, spike length, culm diameter, grain size and grain yield. The plant height of Rht5 dwarf lines was reduced by an average of 32.67% (32.53cm) and 27.84% (33.62cm) in the Jinmai47 and Ningchun45 population, respectively. While Rht5 showed significant and negative pleiotropic effects on culm diameter, aboveground biomass, grain yield, spike length, spikelet number, grain number per spike, grain size, grain weight and filling degree of basal second internode. The culm lodging resistance index (CLRI) of dwarf lines was significantly higher than that of tall lines in the two population. In conclusion, these results lay a foundation for understanding the dwarfing mechanism of Rht5.
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