The assembly and installation of the Shell Auger and Mars TLP tendons was performed in segments, using a heavy crane vessel to build the tendon columns in the vertical position, thus avoiding having to upend them. The corresponding segments were added on to the top, one at a time, using a purpose built connector, after which the column was lowered into position for the next segment. The cost of this operation had a great impact on the price of the tendons, not only because of the connectors, but also due to the vessel costs over the period required to perform this assembly. In order to try to reduce the tendon costs for the next Shell TLP coming on schedule, Ursa, an alternative assembly and installation procedure was investigated, based on the sizes of the Auger tendons. The main object of this study was to prove the technical feasibility of a solution, in which the tendons would be assembled in a yard, floated out in a bundle and, finally upended at or near the installation site. This paper contains a description of this study regarding the bundle assembly and the technical solutions required in order to upend a long and slender bundle of tubes within code stress limitations. INTRODUCTION The study described in this paper will be evaluated, by comparison with the results of other installation alternatives, in order to choose that, which is technically and economically most efficient for the installation of the tendons of the upcoming Shell Ursa TLP. Considering, however, that information regarding costs of the Auger Platform tendon installation was already available, it was decided that the alternative feasibility study should be Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509 168 Offshore Engineering performed for the Auger tendon sizes and extended, at a later date, for Ursa only if and when the alternative is chosen. The object of this study is, therefore, to provide a solution for bundling together twelve 28-inch diameter, 870m long tendon pipes, which will be pulled into the water, towed out to the installation site, upended in a single piece and, only then removed, one at a time, from the assembly frame without destabilizing the remaining bundle. The work performed in order to reach a frame meeting the requirements of each of the phases mentioned above, obviously, went through several design cycles, but only the final configuration will be presented. Nevertheless the most important design restraints will be emphasized. The design was performed for the actually installed Auger tendon sizes and weights, but a much lighter assembly frame could have been achieved if the tendons had been designed close to neutrally buoyant. Obviously in this case the corresponding increase of the tendon weight would also have to be evaluated and considered. DESCRIPTION OF THE ASSEMBLY Construction and assembly was assumed to take place in a yard long enough to build the twelve tendons side by side, spaced so that cranes can move freely between them, in order to perform the assembling operations. The yard should be equipped with a railway, that extends into the water, on which the tendon bundle will be assembled. The tendon assembly will be supported by conveniently spaced trolleys, which will run the structure into the water until the bundle is lifted off the trolleys, as it becomes buoyant. Figure 1 presents a general view of the bundled tendon structure, where the following components can be identified: The 12 tendons equally spaced around a 6m diameter circumference; A 1.5m diameter tank extending along the entire centerline of the bundle, except for the two ends. This diameter was chosen so that it's buoyancy plus that of the 12 tendons was approximately neutrally buoyant. These tanks were assumed pressurized near the bottom; Two 5m diameter tanks at the two ends of the assembly. The bottom one will be flooded in the beginning of the upending sequence to keep the longitudinal tank under tension, in order to prevent it from buckling, while the top one, never flooded, is required to provide the necessary system stability; Transactions on the Built Environment vol 29, © 1997 WIT Press,, ISSN 1743-3509 Offshore Engineering 169
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