In the Ni2In-type Mn7Sn4, 1) MnI atoms constitute a simple hexagonal sublattice, and Sn and MnII atoms respectively constitute hexagonal closest packed sublattices. Then, MnII atoms are located in the interstitial sites surrounded by the prismatic arrangements of MnI atoms. This compound is ferrimagnetic below the Curie temperature TC 1⁄4 220K, in which MnI moments antiparallely align with MnII ones. Previous magnetization investigations have revealed spin-glass-like (SGL) behaviours below a reentrant SGL transition temperature Tg 100K. In order to study the crossover behaviour of TC and Tg in the ferrimagnetic system which consists of different kinds of hexagonal magnetic sublattices, we investigate the magnetic phase diagram of the Ni2In-type (Mn1 wRhw)7Sn4. Samples of (Mn1 wRhw)7Sn4 were prepared from the mixtures of appropriate amounts of Mn (99.97% pure, powder crushed in Ar atmosphere), Rh (3N pure, powder), and Sn (5N pure, grains) in evacuated silica tubes. Method for heat treatment has been described in ref. 5. The X-ray patterns of the samples with w 5 0:20 were explained with the extinction rule for the Ni2In-type of structure. As shown in Fig. 1, the lattice parameters a and c increase with increase in w; a 1⁄4 ð0:4393 0:0002Þ þ ð0:007 0:001Þw and c 1⁄4 ð0:5511 0:0002Þ þ ð0:019 0:001Þw in nm. Zero-field cooled magnetization ( ZFC) and field-cooled one ( FC) were measured using a SQUID magnetometer (Quantum Design) above 6K under the magnetic field H 1⁄4 100Oe on heating run, where FC was measured after being cooled from 295K under H 1⁄4 100Oe. As shown in Figs. 2(a)–2(d), ZFC slowly increases as temperature (T) increases up to a characteristic temperature Tt. Then, it steeply increases up to Tg. Above Tg, it very slowly increases up to another characteristic temperature Tmax. Finally, it decreases with T through TC. Here, TC was determined by extrapolating 2 ZFC to zero on the 2 ZFC versus T curve. At 6K, FC is far larger than ZFC. Then, FC gradually decreases with increasing T . Finally, FC agrees with ZFC above a characteristic temperature TfH. This feature is essentially the same as that for w 1⁄4 0 at 100Oe. In Figs. 2(e) and 2(f) ZFC shows a sharp -type peak at Tmax. At 6K FC is far larger than ZFC, and FC increases with increase in T above TfH. Also FC exhibits the -type peak at Tmax. Such a feature is also observed in w 1⁄4 0:139 [inset of Fig. 3(a)]. Figure 3(a) shows the characteristic temperatures TC, TfH, Tg, Tmax and Tt as a function of T . Below w 1⁄4 0:139, TC, TfH and Tg decrease with increase in w. On the other hand, Tmax increases and subsequantly decreases, while Tt increases. Above w 1⁄4 0:139, TfH and Tmax slightly change with w. The feature TfH > Tmax observed below w 1⁄4 0:12 is contrast to that TfH < Tmax above w 1⁄4 0:139. Figures 3(b)–3(d) show the most simple empirical relations to be able to fit the values of ZFC below w 1⁄4 0:12 and above w 1⁄4 0:139; log ZFC 1⁄4 Aþ Bw for w 5 0:12 and log ZFC 1⁄4 Aþ B=ðC þ wÞ for w = 0:139. The crossing points of these curves in ZFC are situated at P1 (w 1⁄4 0:136, T 1⁄4 63K), P2 (w 1⁄4 0:137, T 1⁄4 76K) and P3 (w 1⁄4 0:136, T 1⁄4 61K) on TfH, Tmax, and [Tg (below w 1⁄4 0:12) and TfH (above w 1⁄4 0:139)] versus w lines, respectively. The values of w for P1, P2 and P3 are nearly constant, so that we can estimate the vertical boundary line wc 1⁄4 0:136 separating between the lower w region and the higher one. Figures 4(a) and 4(b) show the field dependence of ZFC measured at 6K. All the samples show saturation behaviour Fig. 1. Lattice parameters (a and c) as a function of w for (Mn1 wRhw)7Sn4. Fig. 2. Representative temperature dependence of ZFC (open circles) and FC (cross signs) for (Mn1 wRhw)7Sn4 at H 1⁄4 100Oe. Definitions of arrows are given in Figs. 3(a) and 3(b).
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