Informational masking associated with masker spectral uncertainty can sometimes be reduced by providing cues that promote perceptual segregation of the signal from the masker. Our previous research using the multi-burst-same (MBS) paradigm of Kidd et al. [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 95, 3475–3480 (1994)] indicated that all adults and most children (5–9 YO) showed reduced informational masking when monaural segregation cues related to gating asynchrony or spectro-temporal coherence were available. The present study examined developmental effects in children aged 6–10 years for release from informational masking in a condition where perceptual segregation was manipulated using a spatial hearing cue. In the informational masking condition, the pure-tone signal and the MBS masker components were presented to the left ear. In the masking release condition, the masker components were also presented to the right ear synchronously (at a level 10-dB higher than in the left ear) so that the signal would be lateralized to the left ear and the masker would be lateralized to the right ear. Results indicated that most adults achieved masking release in this condition, but that none of the children did. These results are consistent with previous findings indicating protracted development for informational masking release related to spatial hearing cues.
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