We extend the study of banana diagrams in coordinate representation to the case of curved space-times. If the space is harmonic, the Green functions continue to depend on a single variable – the geodesic distance. But now this dependence can be somewhat non-trivial. We demonstrate that, like in the flat case, the coordinate differential equations for powers of Green functions can still be expressed as determinants of certain operators. Therefore, not-surprisingly, the coordinate equations remain straightforward – while their reformulation in terms of momentum integrals and Picard-Fuchs equations can seem problematic. However we show that the Feynman parameter representation can also be generalized, at least for banana diagrams in simple harmonic spaces, so that the Picard-Fuchs equations retain their Euclidean form with just a minor modification. A separate story is the transfer to the case when the Green function essentially depends on several rather than a single argument. In this case, we provide just one example, that the equations are still there, but conceptual issues in the more general case will be discussed elsewhere.
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