The Hardy–Littlewood inequalities on ℓp spaces provide optimal exponents for some classes of inequalities for bilinear forms on ℓp spaces. In this paper we investigate in detail the exponents involved in Hardy–Littlewood type inequalities and provide several optimal results that were not achieved by the previous approaches. Our first main result asserts that for q1,...,qm>0 and an infinite-dimensional Banach space Y attaining its cotype cotY, if1p1+...+1pm<1cotY, then the following assertions are equivalent:(a) There is a constant Cp1,...,pmY≥1 such that(∑j1=1∞(∑j2=1∞⋯(∑jm=1∞‖A(ej1,...,ejm)‖qm)qm−1qm⋯)q1q2)1q1≤Cp1,...,pmY‖A‖ for all continuous m-linear operators A:ℓp1×⋯×ℓpm→Y.(b) The exponents q1,...,qm satisfyq1≥λm,cotYp1,...,pm,q2≥λm−1,cotYp2,...,pm,...,qm≥λ1,cotYpm, where, for k=1,...,m,λm−k+1,cotYpk,...,pm:=cotY1−(1pk+...+1pm)cotY. As an application of the above result we generalize one of the classical Hardy–Littlewood inequalities for bilinear forms to the m-linear setting. Our result is sharp in a very strong sense: the constants and exponents are optimal, even if we consider mixed sums.
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