Starting from the rate independent theory of the single crystal plasticity (Schmid law), one here tries to both give the most realistic description of the concept of intracrystalline latent hardening—or hardening anisotropy—through the analysis, at the microstructural scale of the dislocation densities, of various and complementary experimental data, and to underline the excessive restriction introduced by the classical assumption of pure strain hardening in the determination of the most general single crystal hardening variation law for the wider range of loading processes. These developments about the microstructural features of single crystal hardening, involving mobile and nonmobile dislocation density evolutions (multiplications) and interactions, are correlated at the macroscopic scale of the slip systems with a strain and load process and orientation hardening law which is shown on few examples to give a better fit with observed behaviour than pure strain hardening. A third part shows that, even starting from a rate dependent assumption for the single crystal plastic flow, the present analysis of latent hardening remains basically unchanged. It shows too that the load process and orientation effect on hardening, which is implicitly present in such approaches although introduced according to specific assumptions on the correlations between slips and dislocation densities, is one of the most significant features in the single crystals hardening evolution during plastic deformation, whatever the theoretical frame is chosen.
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