X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) is a widely used surface analysis technique with many well established industrial and research applications. The surface sensitivity (top 5-10 nm) of XPS and its ability to provide short-range chemical bonding information make the technique extremely popular in materials characterization and failure analysis laboratories. While its surface sensitivity is an important attribute, in some cases, the depth of analysis of XPS is not sufficient to analyze buried interfaces without first sputter etching the sample surface. However, sputter etching can often lead to alterations of the true surface chemistry. An alternative to sputter etching the sample is Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPES), available at some synchrotron facilities. HAXPES utilizes X-rays typically defined as having energies greater than 5 keV. By increasing the photon energy of the X-ray source, the mean free path of photoelectrons is increased, resulting in an increased information depth obtained from the sample. Depending on the energy used, these hard X-rays can provide depths of analysis three or more times than that of soft x-rays used on conventional XPS systems. HAXPES measurements are, therefore, more sensitive to the bulk, and contributions from the surface are minimized.1,2 This presentation will describe a laboratory-based instrument, the PHI Quantes, equipped with two scanning microprobe monochromated X-ray sources, Al Kα (1486.6 eV) and Cr Kα (5414.9 eV), thus enabling both traditional XPS and HAXPES experiments in the same instrument. Combining both soft and hard X-ray analyses, we can gain an even better understanding of composition with depth and information at buried interfaces. References Kobayashi, K. Hard X-ray photoemission spectroscopy, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 2009, 601, 32-47.Fadley, C.S. Hard X-ray Photoemission: An Overview and Future Perspective. In Hard X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (HAXPS); Woicik, J. C., Ed; Springer: Switzerland 2016.