The paper gives a lower bound for the permanent of a fully indecomposable (0, 1)-matrix with at least k ones in each row. The result extends those of H. Minc and P. Gibson. Introduction. The computation of lower bounds for the permanent of a (0, 1)-matrix moved a step forward with the solution of Marshall Hall's conjecture by Richard Sinkhorn [5]. This was done by using, as a tool, the nearly decomposable matrix. Sinkhorn's argument rested heavily on the structure of this matrix which readily lends itself to inductive proofs. In [2] the structure of this matrix was simplified, thereby simplifying proofs for the above results. In [1] and [3] more efficient counting methods were used to improve lower bounds. The result of this paper further develops counting methods. These then are used to extend the results of Minc and Gibson. It is assumed that the reader is familiar with some of the language and notations of ([1], [2], [3], [4] and [5]). Results. All matrices discussed in this work are n x n (0, 1)-matrices with n>3. If A=(ai3) is a matrix then o(A)=, >j aij, and S=a(A)(3n-3). The following two lemmas are vital to our arguments. LEMMA 1. If A is nearly decomposable then A contains at most 3n-3 ones [4, p. 184]. LEMMA 2. If A has at least k>3 ones in each row then S>(k-3)n+3. PROOF. As a(A)?kn it follows that a(A)-(3n-3)>kn-(3n-3)= (k-3)n+3. Set R = S-(k-3)n. For k> 3 Lemma 2 implies R _ 3. Applying Lemma 1 it is seen that if A is fully indecomposable there are S ones in A which may be replaced by O's yielding A, with A still fully indecomposable. Applying Lemma 2 it is seen that (k-3)n of these ones may be replaced in A say n at a time yielding A1, A2,. , Ak-3 so that Ai (i= 1, 2, ... , k-3) Received by the editors April 21, 1972 and, in revised form, July 3, 1972. AMS (MOS) subject classifications (1970). Primary 15A15; Secondary 15A45, 15A48, 15A36. ? American Mathematical Society 1973