The advanced in situ detection of gaseous pollutants, such as NOx, is of great interest in many applications, including the automotive, manufacturing, energy, and defense industries. Current challenges with gas sensors include everything from power consumption, lifetime, and chemical fouling considerations to signal interference from other secondary gases present in complex environments. In this study, we continue the advancement of our low power metal oxide framework (MOF)-based sensors, previously successfully demonstrated for gaseous I2 and NO2 detection.1-5 The sensors, composed of Pt interdigitated electrodes (IDEs) with a nanoporous adsorbent layer, can be tuned to selectively adsorb gases of interest through judicious material selection, and the electrical response directly correlated to gas concentration. The sensors have been successfully demonstrated for the selective detection of trace NOx (1ppm), in complex environments (e.g., presence of H2O, CO2, SO2).6 Direct growth of thin MOF films on surface functionalized IDEs has been shown to result in increased sensor sensitivity and a faster response time.7 Our recent work has investigated the long-term durability and sensitivity of the sensors to NOx, when exposed to dry and humid environments at room temperature and 74°C over the course of three months. It was observed that the Ni-MOF-74-based sensors exhibited superior sensitivity in comparison to Mg-MOF-74 on initial exposure to NOx. On the other hand, the Mg-MOF-74-based sensors exhibited less degradation of the sensor response from prolonged humidity exposure. These findings led to our current work, exploring mixed metal MOF-on-MOF sensors for optimization of both sensor response and long-term performance. Preliminary experimental and modeling performed to elucidate the influence of metal mixing on these metrics will be presented. SNL is managed and operated by NTESS under DOE NNSA contract DE-NA0003525. References Small, L.J and Nenoff, T.M., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9 (51), 44649.Small, L.J., et al., Meso. Mater., 2019, 280, 82.Small, L.J., et al., ACS App. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11 (31), 27982.Small, L.J., et al., Funct. Mater., 2020, 30 (50), 2006598.Small, L.J., et al., I&ECR, 2021, 60, 21, 7998.Small, L.J., et al., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2023, 15 (31), 37675.Henkelis, S.E, et al., Membranes, 2021, 11 (3), 176.Percival, S.J., et al., I&ECR, 2023, 62, (5), 2336.
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