The aims of this study are 1) to analyze the need for a Fun Reading game guidebook in the introduction of early literacy for early childhood in Rembang Regency, 2) to formulate the design of a Fun Reading game guidebook in the introduction of early literacy games, 3) to analyze the feasibility of a fun reading game guidebook. in Introduction to Early Literacy for Early Childhood in Rembang Regency, and 4) Analyzing the effectiveness of the Fun Reading Game Guidebook in Introduction to Early Literacy for Early Childhood in Rembang Regency The research method used in this research is Research & Development proposed by Borg and Gall (1983) with 10 stages. Research and information collecting, planning, developing a preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, dissemination, and implementation. The population in this study, the children of kindergarten group B, Dharma Wanita, Dresi Wetan Village, Kaliori District, Rembang Regency, State Kindergarten 2, Rembang Regency and Ringin Putera Kindergarten, Pamotan District, Rembang Regency, totalling 30 children. Data collection techniques using observation, questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used quantitative descriptive analysis, requirements test, and t-test. The results of the study obtained data, namely needs analysis, it was known through observation and interviews with children, parents, and teachers that so far there has been no manual for teachers about learning to introduce early literacy, so that learning is carried out not according to the characteristics of children, namely learning through playing or playing. while learning. Development is immediately carried out by determining the theme, objectives, learning resources, and module size to be produced. Qualitative feasibility test with material expert validation got a score of 91,2% (very decent), linguist validation got a score of 85 % (very decent), and Media validation got a score of 87, 5 % (very decent) Saw the teacher's response with a score of 92% (very like), student response with a score of 94% (very like), parental response 92% (very much like). Quantitative validation gets valid and reliable values. The effectiveness test with a limited trial got the t value (-9.331) > t-table (2.101).
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