This article presents the steady-state modeling and analysis of a grid-connected six-phase induction generator for renewable energy generation powered by hydro turbine. The basis of the analysis is nodal admittance method as applied to the equivalent circuit, and used to analyze the behavior of the machine for the operating mode such as (i) when only one three-phase winding set is connected to grid, (ii) when one three-phase winding set is connected to grid and other three-phase winding set is subjected to load, and (iii) when both the three-phase winding sets are connected to grid through an interconnecting Y-/Y six-phase to three-phase transformer. Nodal admittance based matrix equations are easier to modify in order to account for mutual leakage coupling between two three-phase winding sets, core loss component, and make the analysis very easy, fast and accurate. Through analytical and practical studies, it is shown that machine can feed direct, reliable, and low cost power to grid without interface network. The analytical results are found to be in good agreement with experimental results.
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