Green Information Technology (IT) denotes the policies and practices that firms should follow to manage IT operations to comply with green norms. Typically for a firm that mainly uses IT for its business, for mankind products or providing services, Green IT practices involve using IT in such a manner as to reduce carbon emissions or to use IT to monitor and manage carbon or other polluting emissions. There are mainly two aspects of Green IT practices: (i) Use IT efficiently to comply with green norms. (ii) Use IT to ensure other firm activities conform to green norms. Firms involved in making IT products or those who provide IT Services have to consider additional aspects of Green IT. The design of IT products follows Green Practices that includes designing both hardware and software. The IT artefacts produced in this manner are thus compliant with green norms, and the firms can assure their customers about the usage of environmentally sound processes. Usage of computers and networking technology requires energy both for making the device and running them. In recent years, as the usage of computer technology has grown in business, government and society, the consumption of energy has also increased. The government has recognized the threat of unrestrained and uncontrolled carbon emissions and has formed various guidelines to control emissions and pollution. Many firms have taken steps to understand their energy consumption patterns with regard to their IT usage and have implemented measures to ‘Go Green’. There are economic advantages of going green, in addition to those of acting responsibly. In this paper, the authors have explained how in the realm of IT, going green means using technology in an environment-friendly manner and using IT to control carbon emissions. The aim is to conduct a detailed study on managing Green IT and how smart cities can be crafted in a different way with the help of IT. An overall comprehensive insight is provided to deliver assistance for the development of advanced smart cities in the future.
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