Salvation is a very broad subject and very important to understand properly in the Bible. Salvation in Jesus Christ can be responded to by believing in Christ and His work. The understanding of salvation is now understood in universalism, and not a few people or groups have also turned to syncretism. The emergence of many teachers, pastors, and theologians had a great impact on providing different understandings among Christians. Each tribe has a belief in their ancestors, which later becomes a culture or custom. Initially, every Batak culture or custom was inseparable from magical elements. Any rituals or traditional ceremonies performed by certain groups or people are believed to keep them away from danger so that they are fine. But in reality, not a few of them experience the opposite. The initial motivation for getting blessings and safety turns out to be the tribulation or wretchedness that befalls their lives. The purpose of this research is to find out the magnitude of the confirmation of salvation in Jesus Christ. The most dominant dimension determines the confirmation of salvation, and the most dominant background category determines the confirmation of salvation based on 1 Peter 3:18-22 among Batak Toba Christians in Sumatra North. The method used is a quantitative approach using explanatory and confirmatory surveys. Research Results: Confirmation level about salvation based on 1 Peter 3:18-22 is in the high category. The most dominant dimension determining Confirmation about salvation is Preaching the Gospel by Jesus Christ (D3). The dominant background category determining confirmation of safety is age.