The paper presents the results of assessing the phytocenotic and sozological significance of the beech forests of Dagestan, which have been preserved in the study area since the tertiary period in a depleted and transformed form. Occupying a fairly large area, they perform functions that maintain balance in the ecoregion of the Eastern Caucasus. In addition, the beech forests of Dagestan are rich in hyrkanian and colchian relict and endemic elements, rare protected species. Based on the geobotanical description of seventy-three trial plots in various physical and geographical areas of Dagestan using the ecological and phytocenotic method, nineteen associations were identified, to identify the environmental value of which a system of criteria for determining the environmental significance of associations was applied. It was revealed that the greatest conservation value (P4) is represented by associations growing in the lowland and foothill parts: Fagetum taxosoilexosum (area less than 1 ha), Fagetum qercoso-euphorbosum, represented by insignificant in derivatives of hyrkan forests and Fagetum taxoso-varioherbosum, extremely rare throughout the interrupted strip of beech forests of foothill Dagestan. Such associations of foothill beech forests as Fagetum nudum, Fagetum compositum loniceroso-varioherbosum, Fagetum sambucoso-efemeroso-filicosum, and Fagetum efemer-oso-varioherbosum, which also occupy relatively small areas, have a high conservation value (P3). The associations Fagetum compositum fruticoso-varioherbosum, Fagetum compositum carpinoso-varioherbosum, Fagetum filicosum, Fagetum festucosum, and Fagetum rubosum are classified as communities with an average conservation value of P2. All associations of beech forests of the foot-hills of Dagestan are subject to reduction of areas under the influence of high anthropogenic load: logging, cattle grazing, economic development of the territory. In subalpine beech forests, the asso-ciations Fagetum filicoso-varioherbosum and Fagetum myrtilloso-varioherbosum — P3 are of high conservation value. Communities with average values of conservation value (P2) include the following associations: Fagetum fruticoso-filicoso-varioherbosum, Fagetum compositum varioherbosum, Fagetum compositum filicoso-varioherbosum. Associations Fagetum festucosa-varioherbosum, Fagetum compositum festucoso-vatioherbosum are classified as communities with low conservation value-P1. In this area, there is no reduction in areas due to the inaccessibility of forest areas for timber harvesting.