The English compilation of biblical pageants that we call N-Town Plays comes from a time and place of intense Marian devotion; cult of Virgin dominated late medieval East Anglia, England's Nazareth. (1) N-Town mirrors East Anglia's veneration of Virgin: compilation includes many more Marian pageants than York, Chester, or Towneley cycles, including two episodes from Life of Virgin unique in European medieval dramatic tradition. (2) steals show: arc of Jesus' lifetime nestles inside larger dramatic frame of Virgin's progress from her Immaculate Conception and birth to her death and Assumption--just as late medieval vierge ouvrante (or cupboard Madonna) opens to reveal, inside womb of Great Goddess, a tiny Trinity. (3) Furthermore, N-Town has Jesus submit to his mother's authority, vowing: I shal yow folwe with obedience ... And owe to do yow hygh reverence (21.274-76). God Father and Holy Spirit follow suit: Dominus, three-personed God, tells Mary, Yow to worchepe, moder, it likyth hoi Trinyte (41.523). N-Town might very well represent zenith of late medieval English Mariolatry. Yet despite this zealous Marian devotion, N-Town Plays have long been infamous for their shockingly disrespectful treatment of Virgin. Detractors accuse of being a promiscuous adulteress: a scowte, quene, and bolde bysmare (14.182, 14.392, 14.298). Skeptics subject her to round after round of trials of virginity, including an onstage postpartum gynecological exam (15.218-21; 15.246-53). Most disturbingly of all, N-Town appears to play these insults and slanders for laughs. As A. P. Rossiter put it in 1950, Mary's persecutors inspire indignation and fear, and yet they are funny. (4) In other words, N-Town seems to invite reader to laugh at Virgin Mary. Nonetheless, in his influential 1966 monograph on The Play Called Corpus Christi, V. A. Kolve flat-out denied this possibility: the audience never laughs at [Mary], he argued, because Mary knows she is pure, and so do we. (5) Following Kolve, medieval drama criticism has tended to interpret N-Town's seemingly blasphemous aspersions against Mary's virginity as crude, misogynist, carnal, literal, idolatrous, and malicious errors (6)--arguing that because larger framework of each pageant neatly inverts, trumps, and conquers these slurs by ultimately proving Mary's chastity, it is responsibility of good reader to carry out this hermeneutic process of inversion as errors unfold. (7) As David Bevington puts it, God gets the last laugh--and, thanks to criticism's eschatological allegorizing, every laugh. (8) In other words, we are not supposed to take N-Town's dirty jokes about seriously, and we are certainly not supposed to laugh at them. Yet rather than simply rebounding off to strike and discredit her detractors, N-Town's seemingly slanderous accusations resonate with positive theological significance. When N-Town uses pantomimes, metaphors, exegetical comparisons, and obscene insults to represent as a guilty adulteress in a divine comedy (dallying with Trinity, angels, and mankind in kaleidoscopic combinations), this is not necessarily or exclusively insulting. That is understood to be an irresolvable paradox, both virgin and mother, is so well known that it is almost not worth repeating. In a late medieval context, she is both virgin and mother and Madonna and whore. Mary's promiscuity has hermeneutic power to symbolize her marriage to Trinity, her redemption of Eve's fall, her supersession (or cuckolding) of Judaism, and her advocacy for indiscriminate mercy--all staples of late medieval Mariology, a theological system that enables N-Town's audacious and exuberant spin on good news (euangelion, glad tidings, gospel). In N-Town's Joseph's Doubt, Joseph explicitly and extensively accuses of adultery. …