This paper study the difference of online and offline classes in college beauty education caused by COVID-19 to respond the post-Corona era, and to use it as an opportunity for educational innovation. For this study, the questionnaire was approved by the Dongnam Health University Institutional Bioethics Committee on February 19, 2021 (1044371 202102-HR-001-01), and a survey was conducted using the Naver office form to 448 students and graduates of the beauty-related departments of colleges in the metropolitan area who experienced online and offline classes due to COVID-19 from April 1st to April 18th, 2021. For statistical methods, frequency analysis, paired t-test, reliability analysis, and χ<sup>2</sup>-test were used. The result are as follows; First, the difference in class satisfaction was significantly higher in online class at theoretical subjects, but in offline class at practical subjects. Second, the difference in immersion was significantly higher in offline classes for both theoretical and practical subjects. Third, the interaction between professor-students and student-student was significantly greater in offline classes in both theory and practice subjects. In conclusion, it is better to use online classes appropriately for theoretical subjects and offline classes for practical subjects.
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