Part 1 The international framework: the evolution of an interdependent world - world production and trade in the 19th century, the world economy in the 20th century, economic cycles and their impact international trade and economic growth - international trade theory and the Third World, price behaviour of primary products, terms of trade capital constraints on Third World development - capital flows into Latin america since World War II, capital flows and the Third World. Part 2 Perspectives on industrial growth in the Third World: theories of industrialism and the role of government - the Rostow model, the Gerschenkron model, the Parsonian approach, relevence for Third World industrialization, the role of government trade policy and industrialization - trade strategies and industrial growth, trade liberalism in Chile 1973-87, implications of the Chilean model global shift? product life cycles and protectionism technological change - economies of scale, import substitution, export promotion, import substitution, export promotion and technological change the multinational corporation and Third World industrialization - changing nature and spatial influence of multinational corporations, some theoretical perspectives. Part 3 Case study: The global case industry and the Third World - past transformations in the world car industry, the fourth transformation?, the Third World car industry - strategies for growth, technological divergence - Third World as marginal producer. Part 4 Continental perspectives: Latin America - the heritage of inward-oriented industrialization - the origins and nature of inward orientation, towards a new phase of outward orientation?, inward orientation and spatial concentration East Asia - the heritage of outward orientation - the Japanese case study, prospects for further generations of industrializing countries in East Asia Third World industrialization in an international framework - the case for outward orientation, the future for industry in the Third World, the Pacific rim-focus of manufacturing growth into the 21st century.
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