The study investigates the Challenges of internally displaced children in Makurdi Metropolis of Benue State, Nigeria. Three research questions guided the study. The sample of the study was drawn from children between the ages of 12-18 years living in Internally Displaced Camps (IDPs) in Makurdi. Simple random sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 300 for the study. Primary data were used for the study specifically obtained using well-structured questionnaire titled internally displaced children (IDC), data collected was analysed using mean and standard deviation. Findings of the study on social life of internally displaced children in Makurdi revealed that Lack of finance to celebrate social activities such as birthday parties, naming ceremonies and sports competitions (4.46), Children appear dirty and tattered due to lack of clothing (3.40), also the findings on financial challenges indicates Low level of income due to lack of business and means of livelihood (3.62), Depends on people for financial assistance (begging) (3.58). Furthermore, the study on feeding pattern of internally displaced children shows that children hardly eat twice a day (3.55), lack required food nutrients such as protein, vitamins and minerals (3.40). The study therefore concludes that insecurity challenges should be tackled by government to ensure that household returns to their various communities. Finally the study recommends improvement of social life of internally displaced children should be given uppermost attention the government and non- government organisations responsible for child upbringing. The governments should make frantic effort to ensure adequate provision of basic amenities such as water, food and shelter. Emergency healthcare and education (schools) should be provided in IDPs camps. Good food should be provided for children in internally displaced camps to avoid malnutrition that leads to ill health. Causes insecurity and other crisis that leads to displacement of families should be given lasting solutions by government and communities concerned. The Children should be encouraged to adopt a good environmental sanitation which will go a long way to help prevent them from contracting some sickness and disease. Keywords: Families, Challenges, Internally, Displaced, Children,
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