With the ethical, legal, and societal issues (ELSI) Knowledge Base, we introduce a key element of the Biobanking and Biomolecular Resources Research Infrastructure—European Research Infrastructure Consortium (BBMRI-ERIC) Common Service ELSI, which provides ethical, legal, and societal support for researchers and biobankers involved in transnational research. In contrast to the customized support provided by the ELSI Helpdesk, the ELSI Knowledge Base will be available to the user on a self-serve basis. The information that is made available through a knowledge base comes from multiple sources, usually from several expert contributors who are well versed in the subject matter. The knowledge base provides users with a first orientation on the subject matter, as well as allowing them to explore more detailed information if desired in a self-service manner. It is crucial that the information and knowledge provided are shared in a manner that is user friendly. Long lists of links, legalistic language, and multiple links have to be avoided wherever possible. The long-term sustainability and accuracy of a knowledge base need to be ensured by placing its expert curation and technical maintenance under the responsibility of an organization rather than a research consortium. In its core, it builds on a scenario-based approach using a nonlegalistic language. In addition, the knowledge base connects to frequently asked questions, promotes contract and informed consent templates, how-to-guides, best-practice models, and scripts. The ELSI Knowledge Base is a key element of the BBMRI-ERIC Common Service ELSI, which currently serves biobanks but will be enlarged to serve the biological and medical sciences community. In contrast to the ELSI Helpdesk, which provides customized support, the ELSI Knowledge Base is available to the user on a self-serve basis. The conceptualization of the ELSI Knowledge Base builds on assessments of several ethical, legal, and societal guidance tools that favor a single sustainable knowledge base for closing the knowledge gap by providing practical hands-on guidance for researchers. Ultimately, the ELSI Knowledge Base aims at promoting practical know-how and skills for conducting responsible research.
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