Summary - Separation of caprine asr, aS2-' 13-and x-caselns was achieved by a simple and reliable HPLC method, using a reverse-phase C4 column and water/acetonitrilelTFA as solven!. Identification of the fractions separated by this method was performed by both alkaline PAGE and SOS-PAGE, and confirmed by analyses of purified casein fractions, prepared using cation-exchange chromatography. Analysis of individual milk from goats homozygous at the as'- and aS2-Cnloci revealed that most of the asrcasein variants (A, B, C, D, F) and the null phenotype, as weil as as2-casein variants A and B are distinguishable. In addition, our method permits the separation of caseinomacropeptide and para x-caseln,
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