Achievement of Universal Basic Education goals of students has witnessed a deplorable trend in the past decade and a source of concern to educators. The present study was carried out to examine system management as predictors of achievement of Universal Basic Education goals in Oyo state. The descriptive survey research design was used. Target population comprised of all public junior secondary school teachers and students. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to select 518 teachers and 688 students for the study. Three research questions and two hypotheses were raised. A researcher-constructed questionnaires titled System Management and Achievement of Universal Basic Education Goals Questionnaire (SMAUBEGQ) consisting of structured items was used to collect data from the sampled population. Reliability of the instrument was done using Cronbach's Alpha which produced reliability values of 0.84 & 0.80. Research questions were answered using descriptive statistics while the hypotheses were analyzed using inferential statistics at P>0.05. The findings of the study showed a moderate level of achievement of Universal Basic Educational (UBE) goals in Oyo state; moderate level of system management in terms of planning and supervision especially in the areas of facilities. The findings further revealed a significant combined influence of system management (planning and supervision) on the achievement of Universal Basic Education (UBE) goals in Oyo state and the F-value of 2.674 and model summary values (R = .198; R2 = .039; Adjusted R2 = .029) were found to be significant at P<0.05. However, the finding showed that relatively, planning (? = 1.083, t = 2.059, significance = .005 and supervision (? = 2.009, t =1.173, significance = .002) produced the significant influence. The study recommends that proper planning and supervision be ensured and school facilities be provided.
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