The accurate prediction of the buckling load of thin shell structures is an important yet elusive goal. It is particularly important in the aerospace industry where thin shell members are commonly used as structural elements. Due to a lack of adequate analytical results, current practices in industry put heavy reliance on experimental testing and empirical data to supplement theoretical analysis (see D. Bushnell, Computerized Buckling Analysis of Shells, Martinus Nijhoff, Dordrecht, 1985). This paper focuses on recent results of the group theoretic approach to a numerical, global postbuckling analysis of a perfect, axially compressed cylindrical shell with “built-in” end conditions. The “built-in” end conditions obviate the existence of a “trivial” membrane solution branch. The example of an axially compressed cylindrical shell was chosen because it is well known that for thin shells, the primary axisymmetric solution branch is riddled with closely spaced, symmetry-breaking bifurcation points. In a numerical arc-length continuation scheme, the close proximity of the bifurcation points on the primary path manifests itself in severe ill-conditioning of the tangent stiffness matrix. Group theory helps one systematically find an “optimal” set of basis vectors, or symmetry modes, which reflect the symmetry of a given solution path. The immediate payoff in using these symmetry modes as basis vectors is that the tangent stiffness matrix block-diagonalizes and the numerical ill-conditioning is avoided. Thus, an efficient and accurate technique for computing solution branches of a specific type and a subsequent diagnosis for symmetry-breaking bifurcations is made relatively simple. Understanding the global behavior of the perfect structure is crucial in identifying critical imperfections and will ultimately diminish the heavy reliance on expensive experimental verification.
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